“The SeaSide Peddler”




 Exquisite Seaglass from

The Bay of Chaleur

By chance or by appointment

506- 547- 1887

Sonia Turner

“The Seaglass Queen”

410 Densmore Street

(Just past Gowan Brae golf course take a left on Palmer Street)

                                Take a step back in time and discover the treasures of yesterday
Trash to Treasure
Once thrown out
Without thought
This piece of seaglass
Began its journey as a reject
Day in day out
It ebbed and flowed
With the tides
Abraded by the sand
Tumbled with the pebbles
Until it was transformed
Completely made smooth by its journey
A magical, mystical & turbulent ride
Created a gem of the sea
Treasured now for its uniqueness and rarity
This glorious process
Reminds us of our own journey
All of us at one time or another
Feels worthless and alone
Tossed about not knowing our course
and yet if we rise with the tides of life
allowing our exeriences to smooth out
our jagged edges
we too will discover our uniqueness
and become the treasure we were meant to be.
Sonia Turner “The Seaglass Queen"

A Sapphire Heart from Heaven

This is my most treasured piece of sea glass. For your info a heart shape is rare and blue sea glass is rare! And while that combination makes this sea glass shard special. It's how I got this piece that elevates it to a divine gift. In June of 2008 after a routine breast exam, I was notified that 2 cysts where found showing on the mammogram. There was extra concern because my sister had passed away at 28 from cancer as well as my maternal grandmother at 44. For any who have had this experience you know that this is just the beginning of the testing. It was in between tests that I found myself at the beach seeking solace in prayer for my health. I prayed that whatever the outcome that I might have the strength to endure. It was a brief prayer with my eyes closed so that I might not be distracted from the answer. I felt a warm peace wash over me and knew that whatever the results from the tests were, I would be okay. It was the moment after I opened my eyes that I saw this divine piece of sea glass reminding me that I am loved and in his care. Much to my relief the cysts were benign.

Somebody lost their Teddy Bear :(

This poor little teddy bear washed up on shore.Is this the original Pooh bear? Who do you think it could belong to?

This beautiful piece of sea glass probably began its journey as a canning jar. It has been exquisitely finished by the forces of nature. It reminds me how life can refine us and thereby make us unique. Sea glass teaches us that we too can endure the storms of our lives and come out better for it.